Technical/Business Aspects in IT

ConfirmButton using AJAX / Javascript

Posted by scmay on July 18, 2008

Where shall I begin?

The AJAX ConfirmButton control webpage

but then I realised that my controls were server side generated. The solution was to

1. Generate a ‘hidden’ client button

2. Use Javascript to call the ‘hidden’ button (

Step 1:
In the server side page load event just add this code…


Step 2:-

Try calling this line ” __doPostBack(‘btnSubmit’,’OnClick’);”

call the above function “callPostBack” after u r prompt


<script language=”javascript” type=”text/javascript”>
function myFunction()
var strname;
strname = prompt(“What is your name”, “”);

// if its a valid name then just call post back..


3. Server side calls the Javascript  (


But my 2nd issue was I didn’t want a OkCancel button, only the OK button.

Found this Alerts

but had difficulty implementing it. And finally thought that a basic Javascript would do the job afterall.

Basic Javascript Alert, Confirm, Prompt boxes

The redirection of page has to be javascript as well and not from the server side, or else the Window.Alert won’t be displayed at all.

You could redirect the user via javascript to get your message box visible:

Response.Write(“<script langauge=\”javascript\”>window.alert(‘Acceso no permitido’)</script>”);
Response.Write(“<script langauge=\”javascript\”>document.location.replace(‘Menu.aspx’)</script>”);

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